The default Raspbian SD card image configures a default user account called ‘pi’ with a password of ‘raspberry’. Every device using this image will therefore have the same username and password combination. This is great for quickly getting starting but isn’t very good practice from a security point of view.

You should therefore consider changing the default password as soon as possible. It’s easy to do and only takes a minute. Here are the simple steps you need to follow :

  1. From a command line prompt type passwd followed by the Enter key.
  2. Enter the current password followed by the Enter key.
  3. Enter the new password followed by the Enter key.
  4. Re-enter the new password followed by the Enter key.
  5. Your password has now been changed.

Your screen will look something like the screenshot below:

Changing your default password is important if your Raspberry Pi is connected to the Internet or you are using SSH. Change your password and stay secure!

… oh just make sure you don’t forget the new password!